It's That Time Again

It’s that time again.  The beginning.  Although it isn’t New Year’s, September always feels like the start of a new year.  Usually kids are suited up with new clothes to show their friends and the smell of fresh stationary permeates the house.  I miss those days!  This year I am watching my daughter send her pre-schooler off to enjoy his first venture into the world of education.  Her anxiety is shared by many.  Is it the right thing to do?  Sadly, there are no definitive answers.  As parents, we do the best we can with the information we have at our fingertips.

It has been a distressing year for all of us, myself included.  I found myself fluctuating between frustration, depression, insecurity and self-deprecating humour.  I have found it difficult to write my newsletter. Perhaps you haven’t missed it with all the online information coming at you every day.  But I have missed you. I miss the interaction from so many of you; the comments, the questions, the jokes, the laughter.  So September is a New Year; a chance to re-group and refresh and re-commit to those everyday events that bring us joy.

As for real estate, here’s my take on the Victoria market:  It’s weird! We cringed as we watched the numbers from the first and second quarter, and were astounded when the market rebounded during the summer.  A combination of effects have been linked to this upswing; lower interest rates, a pent-up demand after lockdown, and a lot of condo owners deciding that they needed more space! It is good news, as the domino effect on real estate transactions means more money is in the marketplace.  More tradespeople hired, more retail spending, more jobs created, etc.  Let’s take the economic wins where we can.

I have been doing real estate videos this year, and if you have a chance, check out my YouTube channel for information on real estate and tours of local homes. It has been a real treat!

September has always been considered the second spring when it comes to real estate.  If you are interested in either purchasing a property or listing your home, we would be delighted to be of service. And, if you have questions about the real estate market, or just want to chat about what’s going on, give me a call or text at 250-588-1343 or email at