The Why!!!

At every open house the most commonly asked question is: “Why are the owners selling?”  And, to be honest, I often wonder myself. I walk into a lovely home, fall in love, and wonder, “Why would someone want to leave this wonderful place?”  The reality is, it’s none of our business!  

People sell and move for all sorts of reasons.  They are downsizing, upsizing, being transferred, boredom, divorce, or death. I think our inquisitiveness  is that we want to know the motivation for the move. Are they divorcing and looking for a quick sale? Will they be desperate and take a low-ball offer? Did someone die in the house? WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PLACE? If they loved it why would they move? 
As a real estate professional, it is my job to protect my clients’ privacy and motivations. 

When representing the seller, mum’s the word; no information on motivation escapes my lips, unless specifically instructed to by the seller.  When representing a buyer, my role is to protect their privacy and motivation. Realtors on both sides of a transaction work at keeping a wall between buyers and sellers in order to create a neutral and fair contract. 

Buying and selling a home is one of the most important financial transactions we will conduct in our lifetime.  It is also an emotional event, filled with highs and lows on both sides. The best events, and they are the majority, are those that end with a win/win and a celebration!  A new home is a special adventure, filled with dreams and goals. Let’s enjoy the ride!