Let's Get Professional

None of us can afford to gamble with what has probably been the largest single investment we make, our homes. However, it is surprising that some people are willing to take that chance. Selling a home without the help of a real estate professional is not as easy as it may appear to the uninitiated.Ask yourself the following:
  • Do I know my home’s true market value?
  • Am I aware of the legal “ins and outs”?
  • Can I arrange suitable financing?
  • Can I qualify a potential buyer?
  • Can I negotiate to a successful close?
  • Can I write an enforceable contract?
In today’s market, you get what you pay for and if you want the job done right, you use a professional. Red Adair, the famous explosion expert, once said, “if you think it’s expensive hiring a professional, wait until you hire an amateur”. Today’s complex market demands expertise and market resources not available to the average citizen.
Consider the following:
1. Chances are that as your real estate advisor I can get you a higher price for your property than if you try to sell it yourself.
2. Your home will probably sell a lot faster when you use my services.
3. Listing your home for sale through the Victoria Real Estate Board’s Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) means you get the widest possible exposure for your home. 
4. Resources to market your home effectively. I know your neighbourhood, and can assess market conditions and property values daily.
5. As your advisor I have been educated on the complex laws and regulations in real estate and I am trained to put together a legally binding contract.
6. Negotiating price is an art. As a seasoned negotiator, I will negotiate objectively and effectively in order to get the best possible price for your home.
7. As your real estate professional, I have access to the latest information and options available for financing the sale.Whether you are moving to upsize or downsize, I can open the doors to thousands of properties through MLS® and provide you with an up-to-date computerized list of homes suited to your needs, wants and budget.